RCZ Transmission issue


New member
Jun 8, 2012
Hi Guys.Hoping someone can shed some light on an issue i have.Ive owned an RCZ for the last 6 months and have until now never had a problem.The other morning when i got in the car i put the car in drive and it immediately went to D3 and stayed there.I moved selector to Neutral and park which was ok but once in Drive it went straight to D3 and was surging.I hope this makes sense.Peugeot say they could not find anything wrong.Also the ASB ? light came on.Any ideas would be appreciated.
make sure no one pressed the "snow" mode by mistake. I have heard this can do something similar to what you described.
No idea on the auto side of RCZ as mine is manual sorry. Will see if the UK mob know anything about it though
take it to your local dealer and get them to fault read it again. let the issue come and go a few times to make sure its logged good and proper. it will lock into 3rd gear if there is a fault with the gearbox, so it will appear sluggish. AM6 gearboxes are much more reliable than the old AL4 however they still have the occasional issue
If the fault is intermittent, the dealers will have a hard time trying to diagnose the problem, because fault codes are not always stored after you restart the car.

If you present the car to them while it's faulty with warning messages flashing and whatnot, then they have a much better chance of obtaining a fault code which provides them something to work with - and don't forget to keep the car running!

That's computers in cars for ya. :blackeye:
The computer systems will also lock the gearbox into limp home mode if there are other electrical problems. Have them check the main fuse box/panel near the battery (assuming it is near the battery in the RCZ).
There is a fuse box in the glovebox. Not sure of under the hood. Will have to check it out

Forget the dealers go to John McGraw Automatic trasmissions on Parramatta Rd,Croydon.

He knows more about these transmissions than any dealer/ mechanic will ever learn.

If the fault is intermittent, the dealers will have a hard time trying to diagnose the problem, because fault codes are not always stored after you restart the car.

If the tech knows what he is doing he can read between the lines and LISTEN to the customers complain to track the origin of the fault.

Unfortunately with "computers" in cars these days most mechanics don't know what to do if there is no fault code for the problem described, and if there is a code, the replace what the code is about rather than the cause.

Eg a dealer had a 1.6 206 with fault code misfire on cyl 4 plus cat converter failed fault. They were going to replace the coil, spark plugs, O2 sensors and the cat until the owner got a second opinion. The actual cause of the faults? There was a chunk missing out of no 4 exhaust valve.

Oh and here's another thing you may want to know - we have a first year working at work, and we just found out that they don't teach in the syllabus anymore how to strip down and fix engines/gear boxes any more as its all done by "specialists" these days.

Bet Paris to a paving stone that this problem is electrical.

I say this because the symptoms you are describing sound identical to those that some people with C5 Series 3 with the AM6 box have had happen. Replacement of the under-bonnet fuse box removes the problem. Chances are as they are both PSA products there will be similarity of parts.
No idea on the auto side of RCZ as mine is manual sorry. Will see if the UK mob know anything about it though

Folks, its a manual. This one is definitely not an auto gearbox fault,
are all the tyres exactly the same? Heard this today. If one of the tyres is a different brand, it could have a different circumference. Only slightly, but enough to trick some of the electronics.
Hi Guys.Hoping someone can shed some light on an issue i have.Ive owned an RCZ for the last 6 months and have until now never had a problem.The other morning when i got in the car i put the car in drive and it immediately went to D3 and stayed there.I moved selector to Neutral and park which was ok but once in Drive it went straight to D3 and was surging.I hope this makes sense.Peugeot say they could not find anything wrong.Also the ASB ? light came on.Any ideas would be appreciated.

Folks, its a manual. This one is definitely not an auto gearbox fault,

Ah, the OP told us with his description that it is an AUTOMATIC.