Twin turbo 505 v6


New member
Jun 8, 2005
Los Angeles, California
Has anyone tried to turbocharge the PRV 2.8 V6 sold in the 505's? I've heard a few people talk about doing it, but never heard of it actually being completed.. Just cuerious, seems like it could be a damn cool thing if finished..

There are actually 3 that I can think of driving around down here in Melbourne. I'm pretty sure that they are all twin-turboed as well. I'm sure someone who either owns them or knows the guys with them will reply soon enough :)
Hi Ariston,
a few people in the club have turboed the V6.
One bloke has a twin turbo 2.8 ltr PRV V6 putting out 180 kilowatts at the wheels. Oddfire has a 2.8 ltr PRV V6 and is converting it from a single turbo to a twin turbo. Brendan Calder has a 2.664 ltr PRV V6 single turbo on gas putting out 150 kilowatts at the wheels. Before Brendan turboed the V6 he has a supercharged V6 in a 505 which was also impressive.
All these cars are 505s.

Roo504 said:
Hi Ariston,
a few people in the club have turboed the V6.
One bloke has a twin turbo 2.8 ltr PRV V6 putting out 180 kilowatts at the wheels. Oddfire has a 2.8 ltr PRV V6 and is converting it from a single turbo to a twin turbo. Brendan Calder has a 2.664 ltr PRV V6 single turbo on gas putting out 150 kilowatts at the wheels. Before Brendan turboed the V6 he has a supercharged V6 in a 505 which was also impressive.
All these cars are 505s.

Just to clarify things (and to use US terminology) these cars all run on propane.
After 8 months of, on and off toil I will turn the key this weekend to the first B280 or evenfire twin turbo that I am aware of in Australia anyway. While this engine is actually a Volvo motor it is the same type of PRV variant used in genuine 505 V6s. The car has twin T28s ex Nissan GTR and runs on LPG/Propane as Graham said. I will post photos and brag later. This car ran as a single T04 turbo for 4 years with an oddfire engine. See exhaust manifolds turbos and dump pipes. Note that the wastegate dumps (screamers as they used to be called) are segregated from the turbo exit for 200mm or so.


  • Twin turbo manifolds.JPG
    Twin turbo manifolds.JPG
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  • Twin turbo manifolds closeup.JPG
    Twin turbo manifolds closeup.JPG
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OddFireV6 said:
After 8 months of, on and off toil I will turn the key this weekend to the first B280 or evenfire twin turbo that I am aware of in Australia anyway. While this engine is actually a Volvo motor it is the same type of PRV variant used in genuine 505 V6s. The car has twin T28s ex Nissan GTR and runs on LPG/Propane as Graham said. I will post photos and brag later. This car ran as a single T04 turbo for 4 years with an oddfire engine. See exhaust manifolds turbos and dump pipes. Note that the wastegate dumps (screamers as they used to be called) are segregated from the turbo exit for 200mm or so.
You shoul'd just for the sound, had the wate gates exahust to atmosphere under the car... their a scream, BTW i like T28's - Chris
OddFireV6 said:
After 8 months of, on and off toil I will turn the key this weekend to the first B280 or evenfire twin turbo that I am aware of in Australia anyway. While this engine is actually a Volvo motor it is the same type of PRV variant used in genuine 505 V6s. The car has twin T28s ex Nissan GTR and runs on LPG/Propane as Graham said. I will post photos and brag later. This car ran as a single T04 turbo for 4 years with an oddfire engine. See exhaust manifolds turbos and dump pipes. Note that the wastegate dumps (screamers as they used to be called) are segregated from the turbo exit for 200mm or so.

that would be lurvely in the 604 but damn if i could fit it in there :cry:
pugrambo said:
that would be lurvely in the 604 but damn if i could fit it in there :cry:
It would fit. The 180Kw 505 is based on the old setup from the ex Bob Watson twin turbo V6 rally car. Given that 504 and 604 have very similar sized engine bays I'm theorizing it would fit. You might have to loose the air and power steer and bash a bit here and there, but where there is a will there is a way. Now you just have to convince your financial controller. That that might be harder than getting it to fit.

jarrods said:
It would fit. The 180Kw 505 is based on the old setup from the ex Bob Watson twin turbo V6 rally car. Given that 504 and 604 have very similar sized engine bays I'm theorizing it would fit. You might have to loose the air and power steer and bash a bit here and there, but where there is a will there is a way. Now you just have to convince your financial controller. That that might be harder than getting it to fit.


the 604 has the same engine bay as the 504 but yes the P/S would have to be removed, the A/C sits on top of the engine but there is an alternator on the opposite side to the P/S

the alternator is something i have been toying with moving up to where the air pump used to sit in 604's just to clear the bottom side of the engine but i don't think i will ever get around to it

i have had thoughts of putting a small blower in though and that would take up less space and be easier to fit

as it is i moved the horns out from under the battery and put a cold air duct through where they were but this is only a temp measure till i get around to finishing of my EFI setup
Rambo: Have you considered moving your battery to the boot? I did this about 12 months ago on the 505 and it makes the engine bay much friendlier when working on the motor. Particularly with the poorly designed 'distributor under inlet manifold' Douvrin. Just a thought for your 604.
505 to the max said:
Rambo: Have you considered moving your battery to the boot? I did this about 12 months ago on the 505 and it makes the engine bay much friendlier when working on the motor. Particularly with the poorly designed 'distributor under inlet manifold' Douvrin. Just a thought for your 604.

that is one of my thoughts at the moment

for the A/C i'll be keeping that as a comfort thing as summers out here we need it and as the P/S isn't very old in the car it will stay as well

the next mods to the car will be springs, twin sway bar up front, EFI and 4spd auto

a blower would be nice and will be something i will be looking into not too far down the track after i do a few other things to it

further down the track will be a respray on the old girl
pugrambo said:
that is one of my thoughts at the moment

for the A/C i'll be keeping that as a comfort thing as summers out here we need it and as the P/S isn't very old in the car it will stay as well

the next mods to the car will be springs, twin sway bar up front, EFI and 4spd auto

a blower would be nice and will be something i will be looking into not too far down the track after i do a few other things to it

further down the track will be a respray on the old girl

What sort of springs are you going to be using Rambo? I'm thinking of getting Kmac shocks and new springs very soon but I'm having difficulty getting any feedback as to preferred brands.
505 to the max said:
What sort of springs are you going to be using Rambo? I'm thinking of getting Kmac shocks and new springs very soon but I'm having difficulty getting any feedback as to preferred brands.

i was thinking kings but i haven't been able to get any response from them yet

i have had pedders before and i had some made by jumbos in liverpool/moorebank in sydney

the ones i got made by jumbos were a great set and i am thinking of seeing if they are still going and calling them to see if they can do another set but the last set i got done were for a 504, the 604 bieng a little heavier means that i may not get exactly what i want

505's are getting closer to what a 604 weighs in at so that's what i am tending to look at

i want the same rate on the front but around 1"-1.5" lower and i want the same height as i have at the rear now (slightly sagged but nothing bad) and 25% heavier in the rear

the reason i am wanting to keep the rates normal at the front is i am going to do another twin sway bar setup again
WOW! thank you *all* for the feeback, excellent! What about tuning the turbo's to get even boost per bank, is that much of problem? How did the single turbo setup work, where was it located? And what about the supercharger? better / worse the the turbo(s)?

Was the conversion possible with the stock engine managment?
ariston said:
WOW! thank you *all* for the feeback, excellent! What about tuning the turbo's to get even boost per bank, is that much of problem? How did the single turbo setup work, where was it located? And what about the supercharger? better / worse the the turbo(s)?

Was the conversion possible with the stock engine managment?
No, the cars run on propane.
Alternator Placement
In my twin turbo setup both the alternator and power steering pump remain where they are although the power steering pump was changed for a Volvo unit since it has a remote reservoir. This was achieved by moving the radiator forward and so the turbo’s are further forward than in the other twin turbo 505. The other 505 twin turbo also has the alternator in the normal spot.
See the earlier post of mine on other installations. or search on PRV V6 Dyno Shootout Charts and PHOTO of TTV6

Synchronisation of boost control
To set up boost control I fitted a turnbuckle on the rod that actuates the wastegates and then connected both turbos wastegate diaphragms to my compressor set at 8 pounds and adjusted the turnbuckles until they opened the same amount. When fitted, the line to the diaphragms will remain commoned and be connected to the intercooler outlet and also have a variable bleed off valve for variable boost control.

Tuning: The same as for any gas (propane to you) mixer. The car will be dyno’ed shortly. None of the cars I talk about have any form of engine management computer. For my B280 I fitted a conventional distributor as the trigger for the ignition with internals from an Australian Ford six cylinder.

Super Charger
There was a supercharged 505 here and while it went quite well I have yet to see one really produce serious power as a backyard job ( I know AMG can do it) , I am sure it could be done but turbo charging seems to be the way to get big power at low cost.

My Older Single T04 Turbo
See photo of my old setup, the exhaust feed from the right hand side of the engine goes under the bellhousing and feeds into the turbo as well so the turbo is driven by all 6 cylinders. I think this ran 150 Kw at the wheels in the past, it has been fitted all of 504, 604 and 505 at some stage.


  • 505 V6 single turbo.JPG
    505 V6 single turbo.JPG
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OddFireV6 said:
After 8 months of, on and off toil I will turn the key this weekend to the first B280 or evenfire twin turbo that I am aware of in Australia anyway. While this engine is actually a Volvo motor it is the same type of PRV variant used in genuine 505 V6s. The car has twin T28s ex Nissan GTR and runs on LPG/Propane as Graham said. I will post photos and brag later. This car ran as a single T04 turbo for 4 years with an oddfire engine. See exhaust manifolds turbos and dump pipes. Note that the wastegate dumps (screamers as they used to be called) are segregated from the turbo exit for 200mm or so.

What is the type of turbo unit you have used here and do you think it could be adapted for a 505 GTI motor easily. I am thinking that a forward "slung" unit would allow for the plumbing to go over the top of the motor and into the existing inlet manifold without interferring with the power steering unit and keeping the air con intact. It may also save on messy heat shielding for the booster.
Any thoughts.
How about the strater motor

Gamma said:
What is the type of turbo unit you have used here and do you think it could be adapted for a 505 GTI motor easily. I am thinking that a forward "slung" unit would allow for the plumbing to go over the top of the motor and into the existing inlet manifold without interferring with the power steering unit and keeping the air con intact. It may also save on messy heat shielding for the booster.
Any thoughts.
Odd Fire,
How does the starter squeeze in. Must be close to the exhaust plumbing judging by your photos. In the standard exhaust the starter is already close to the exhaust manifold.
In Melbourne a chap has turboed a 505 with a ZDJL motor, the turbo is a TD04L (from a 95 WRX) in it sits very neatly between the engine and RH suspension tower, it goes quite well also on LPG. The T04 would be too big for a 4 cylinder, the T28s are Garrett T28s ex Nissan GTR, what else do you want to know? In terms of having the turbo forward slung on a 4 cyl this is of course doable but I does not seem like the optimal way to do it to me.

Steve V6
There is plenty of room for the starter, probably more than in a normal 604. The turbo manifolds go up far enough that the dump pipe is also quite high. The photos don’t show the change in height very well. If anything I was more worried about how close the dump pipe went to the power steering actuator but I think I have enough clearance after some judicious bending.